I think we are going to be friends.
Hi, I am Janetta Allis. I am a Christian writer, blogger, and Bible teacher passionate about women’s ministry.
Christian Education has been my life. I am passionate about the Bible and showing people how it is relevant to their everyday lives. I began teaching Sunday School as a teenager and continued into my young adult years while holding leadership roles in my hometown church.
Once I became a wife and mother, my family became my primary ministry responsibility, but I never stopped looking for ways to serve and minister to the needs of people around me. As a Prayer Team leader and children’s Sunday School teacher, I have hosted Small Group Bible Studies in my home over the years.
During this season, God has placed in my heart a burning passion to reach women in the Tampa Bay area for Christ.
Wherever you are on life’s journey, I encourage you to join Sister’s Circle Bible Study Group: wife, Mother, Mother-to-Be, The Single Chapter, and College Student. Join a Community of Spirit-Filled Women who love God and are passionate about His Word.
We study, pray, mentor, and seek opportunities to serve the Tampa Bay Area.
I cannot wait to meet you. Please let us know how we can pray for you.